1) Do (robić) a) did b) ded c) dad d) dod 2) be (być) a) was/were b) wis/wire c) wes/ware d) wos/wer 3) break (złamać) a) broke b) bruke c) brake d) bake 4) buy (kupować) a) bought b) bouhgt c) buys d) busy 5) catch (łapać) a) cat b) cancel c) card d) cought 6) find (znaleźć) a) faund b) faunt c) found d) fount 7) get (dostać) a) got b) git c) gat d) gut 8) give (dać) a) gives b) gaves c) gave d) giv 9) go (pójść) a) goes b) goo c) wents d) went 10) have (mieć) a) has b) had c) haven't d) hasn't 11) lose (przegrać) a) list b) last c) lost d) lust 12) read (czytać) a) reed b) red c) read d) reads 13) run (biegać) a) runs b) ren c) ruins d) ran 14) see (widzieć) a) sea b) saw c) seed d) sad 15) sit (siedzieć) a) sid b) sed c) sad d) sat 16) sleep (spać) a) sleeps b) slaps c) sleap d) slept 17) take (brać) a) talk b) takes c) trick d) took 18) win (wygrać) a) won b) winner c) wane d) wine 19) write (pisać) a) wrote b) want c) white d) wind

irregular verbs BRAINY kl. V unit 7

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