1) What __ in my room last night? a) are you looking for b) were you looking for c) you look for 2) The accused __ of murder  a) is convicted  b) convicts c) was convicted 3) How tall __ those trees? a) were b) are going c) will are 4) How__ the party last night? a) is b) was c) is going to be 5) All those vegetables __ a) were not fresh b) was not fresh c) won't be fresh 6) __ you out last night? a) Did b) Are c) Were 7) Sara and Anna __ happy to see them a) was b) were c) is 8) I __ at the post office this morning a) am b) will be c) was 9) They __ glad to meet him a) were b) are being c) was 10) My dad __ Tim with his homework a) was helped b) was helping c) were helping

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