”Claire ____ up from London the night before, arriving very late at her mother's house. She ____ deeply in her old childhood bed and ____ until after nine o'clock. She ____ in bed for a few minutes, enjoying the quiet outside her window. Here, she was Clare, the daughter again, rather than Clare the independent, successful journalist”. (In the Shadow of the Mountain, by Helen Naylor) ”When they were children, Clare and Andrew ____ proud of the fact that their grandfather ____ while climbing a famous mountain in Switzerland. It gave a bit of excitement, a bit of mystery, to their family that none of their friends could match. Claire ____ on a skiing holiday to Zermatt when she was in her twenties, and ____ at the foot of the Matterhorn and marvelled at the thought of her grandfather still up there, frozen in the ice”. (In the Shadow of the Mountain, by Helen Naylor)

Past Perfect Simple Tense


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