1) Did you ... lesson last night? a) studyed b) study c) studied 2) I played football yesterday.(-) a) I not played football yesterday. b) I didn't played football yesterday. c) I didn't play football yesterday. 3) They ... at home.(isim) a) were b) are c) is 4) I celebrated Mike's birthday yesterday. a) Dün Mike'ın doğum günüydü. b) Dün Mike'ın doğum gününü kutladık. c) Dün Mike'ın doğum gününü kutladım. 5) ... you ... to school yesterday.(?) a) Did go b) Are go c) Did goed 6) When did Atatürk die? a) He die in 1938. b) He died in 1938. c) He did in 1938. 7) Lina .... in the park yesterday. a) ate b) cooked c) walked 8) study-my sister-month-didn't-last a) My sister didn't study last month. b) My sister didn't month last study. c) My sister didn't study month last. 9) I ... a taxi to the airport.(take) a) Taked b) Took c) Take 10) She was in England last week. a) O geçen hafta İngiltere'ye gitti. b) O geçen hafta İngiltere'deydi. c) O İngiltere'de. 11) I ...(be) a little nervous, but it was exciting. a) Am b) Did c) Was 12) Where did they move? a) They moved to İstanbul. b) They move to İstanbul. c) They did move to İstanbul. 13) We were at the cafe the other day.(?) a) Were we at the cafe the other day? b) Did you at the cafe the other day? c) Were you at the cafe the other day? 14) I didn't go to school yesterday.(+) a) I go to school yesterday. b) I went to school yesterday. c) I goed to school yesterday. 15) Ağır kutuyu sen taşıdın. a) You carry the heavy box. b) You carred the heavy box. c) You carried the heavy box. 16) She ... home early. a) came b) come c) made 17) He ... in the pool last week. a) swimming b) swam c) swims 18) Which lesson did she study? a) She study Englisch. b) She studed Englisch. c) She stuied Englisch. 19) He work in the garden that evening. a) worked b) workied c) working 20) Was he at the hospital last month?(+) a) Yes, he were. b) Yes, he was. c) Yes, he wasn't. 21) I .... to school yesterday. a) Go b) Goed c) Went 22) Dün partideydi. a) Were he /she at the party yesterday? b) Was he/she at the party yesterday? c) Was he/she is at the party yesterday? 23) Were you at home last weekend?(-) a) No,I wasn't. b) No, I were. c) No, I weren't. 24) Ellie ... pizza last night. a) eat b) ate c) drik 25) watched-I-movie-an-action a) I watched an action movie. b) I watched movie an action. c) I watced action an movie. 26) Emily and Anna .... to the cinema last night. a) Went b) Go c) Going 27) What were you doing yesterday night? a) I were doing revision. b) I was do revision c) I was doing revision. 28) What did you watch on TV? a) I watch cartoon b) I watched cartoon. c) I did watced cartoon. 29) I went to the village at the weekend.(?) a) Did you go to the village on the weekend? b) Did you went to the village at the weekend? c) Did you going to the village on the weekend? 30) He didn't ... work on time. a) arrived b) arrivied c) arrive


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