1) The Present Perfect can be used for finished and unfinished actions a) True b) Fase 2) For unfinished actions, we use the adverbial phrase: a) When... b) How long... 3) For unfinished situations we can used these set of time words:  a) this week, today, this month, this year b) never, ever  c) just, yet, already, recently 4) You can use the Present Perfect Simple to talk about life experiences. a) False b) True 5) To talk about the news or recent events, we can use these time words: a) this week, today, this month, this year b) never, ever c) just, yet, already, recently 6) To say how long for unfinished actions which started in the past and continue to the present. We often use: a) ‘for’ and ‘since’ b) never / ever c) just / yet / already / recently 7) We can also use the present perfect to talk about something that happened recently, even if there isn’t a clear result in the present. This is common when we want to introduce news and we often use the words a) never / ever b) for / since c) just / yet / already / recently d) yesterday, last night 8) In this tense, we use both 'been' and 'gone' as the past participle of 'go', but in slightly different circumstances:. a) True b) False 9) We use 'been' (often when we talk about life experience) to mean that the person we’re talking about visited the place and came back. a) False b) True 10) We use 'gone' (often when we are talking about an action with a result in the present) to mean that the person went to the place and is at the place now: a) True b) False

Present Perfect Simple and Continuous

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