1) The dog _____ in the park every afternoon. a) plays b) play 2) The books on the shelves _____ to be dusted. a) need b) needs 3) My friends _____ to Australia every June. a) travels b) travel 4) I _____ the mathematics word problem. a) understands b) understand 5) Many people _____ spending time outdoors. a) enjoys b) enjoy 6) There _____ a basket of apples on the kitchen counter. a) is b) are 7) “Do you _____ reading comics?” Jane asked Milly a) enjoys b) enjoy 8) My friends and I ____ to play football every Saturday. a) likes b) like 9) The cakes and the cookies ___ very delicious! a) taste b) tastes 10) Stars ___ brightly in the night sky. a) twinkles b) twinkle

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