Accuracy - How close a measured value is to the true value., Bias - When data is unfairly skewed or inaccurate due to the way it's collected., Box Plot - A graph that shows the distribution of data through quartiles (boxes) and identifies outliers or extreme values., Categorical - Data that sorts things into groups or categories, like colors or types of animals., Census - Counting or collecting data from everyone in a group or population., Consistency - How stable or reliable data collection methods or measurements are., Data - Information collected to understand something, like numbers or measurements., Discrete - Data that can only take specific values, like whole numbers., Dot Plot - A graph where individual data points are plotted as dots along a number line, showing the distribution and density of data., Frequency Table - A table that shows the number of observations falling within specified intervals or categories., Induced Variation - Differences in data due to deliberate manipulation or intervention., Measurement Variation - Difference in measurements due to unreliable measurements, Metadata - Information about the characteristics and structure of data., Multivariate - Studying or analyzing three or more variables at once., Natural Variation - Inherent differences in data due to random fluctuations or individual differences., Nominal - Data categorized without any order, like different types of fruits., Occasion-to-Occasion Variation - Differences in data due to changes in timing or circumstances of measurement., Ordinal - Data categorized with a specific order or ranking, like sizes from small to large., Population - All the people or items being studied., Representative Sample - A subset of a population accurately reflecting its characteristics., Sampling - Selecting a smaller group from a larger population for study., Sampling Variation - Differences in sample statistics due to random sampling., Scatter Plot - A graph where individual data points are plotted as points in a Cartesian coordinate system, showing the relationship between two variables., Secondary Data - Data obtained from existing sources, not directly collected by the researcher., Taonga - In Māori culture, a treasure or valued possession, often describing something of cultural or spiritual significance., Time Series - A sequence of data points measured at successive time intervals, showing patterns or trends over time., Univariate - Studying or analyzing one variable at a time., Variable - Something that can change or vary, like a number or characteristic., Variation - Differences or deviations in data values from expected values., Statistics - Statistics is a part of math that helps us collect, understand, and interpret data. Data is information, like numbers or facts, that we,
1.1 Maths Standard:Stats Vocabulary
Year 11
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