____ people are resourceful and often have a contingency plan He is very ____ and loves going to exotic places My kids are very ____. They are always giving me hugs. Despite being a famous actor, he was very ____. It was nice talking to that ____ shop assistant at the local store. During difficult times, ____ people reach out to help those in need. He is always ____ that every project he starts will be successful. Angelica is a ____ young woman who always thinks of others. It was ____ of you to stand up to those bullies. She is a ____ teacher who works many extra hours to help her students. I’m ____; I can do any odd jobs that suddenly come up. He is very ____ and trains every single day to try and get to the Olympic Games. He is a ____ husband, very reliable and trustworthy He is always so ____ about everything he does, he is always smiling! She has always been an ____ worker, she has been an employee of the month twice!

personality traits

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