Crime - Actions or omissions which constitute an offence and are punishable by law. A legal wrong that can be followed by criminal proceedings, which may result in punishment, Conflict crime - Crimes over which "public opinion" is divided. For example, "drug abuse" may be defined as a "medical problem" and therefore one where the drug user is in need of help rather than punishment, Consensus crime - Crimes about whose seriousness there is general agreement, Deviance - Behaviour which is disapproved of by most people in a society or group, behaviour which does not conform to shared norms and values, Culpable deviance - The perpetrator knows they are committing a deviant act, Non-culpable deviance - Deviant acts for which the perpetrator cannot be held accountable e.g. children, mentally ill, Police recorded crime - Supplied by the 43 territorial police forces of England and Wales and the British Transport Police via the Home Office to the Office for National Statistics, Dark/hidden crime - Crime that is not included in the statistics e.g. because it was unreported, Offender study - Asking people which crimes they themselves have committed. , Victim survey - Interview about which crimes they have been victims of in a given period, Global crime - Crime that crosses borders, Organised crime - The cross-border activities of organised crime groups arguably exploiting to their advantage increasing global interconnectedness, Green crime - Criminal activity which affects the environment in some way, Primary green crime - Directly inflict harm on the environment e.g. air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, species decline and animal rights, Secondary green crime - Actions committed as a response to the commissioning of primary green crime - crime that grows out of the flouting of rules that seek to regulate environmental disasters, Anomie - Being insufficiently integrated into society’s norms and values and as a result feeling in the edge of society, Phenomenology - Study interpretations that people have as they believe it it these that create the world, Culture of envy - The ideology of capitalism encourages criminal behaviour in all social classes, Corporate crime - Crime committed by companies against employees or the public, Occupational crime - Crime committed against a company by an employee, White collar crime - Offences committed by middle-class individuals who abuse their work positions within organisations for personal gain at the expense of the organisation and/or clients of the organisation, Chivalry thesis - Chivalry (honest and kind behaviour by men towards women) within the criminal justice system results in more lenient treatment of female offenders, Marginalisation - Certain people find themselves – economically and politically – on the ‘edge’ of society. They are not listened to and have no power to influence society, Relative deprivation - The resentment of the poor at how little their income matches their expectations, Broken windows escalation - If incivility is not repaired or dealt with, more crime will occur, Situational - When the environment determines behaviour, Dispositional - When personality determines behaviour, Target hardening - Strengthening of the security of a building or installation in order to protect it in the event of attack or reduce the risk of theft, Defensible space - Designing communities/neighbourhoods to be safe spaces, Pro-active policing - Avoiding criminal activity by showing police presence e.g. stop and search, speed cameras, strong presence ‘on the beat’ etc.,
Crime Unit tier 3 vocab
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