1) What is a data packet? a) A small segment of data transmitted over a network b) A complete data file sent over a network c) A type of physical network device d) A protocol used to ensure data security 2) Which of the following is NOT typically included in a data packet? a) Source address b) Destination address c) Data payload d) User password 3) What information does the sequence number in a data packet header provide? a) The total size of the packet b) The order of packets in a sequence c) The encryption key for the packet d) The type of data being transmitted 4) Which network component is primarily responsible for directing packets in a packet-switched network? a) Modem b) Router c) Switch d) Hub 5) Which of the following is an example of simplex communication? a) Telephone call b) Walkie-talkie c) Television broadcast d) Video conference 6) Which device typically uses half-duplex communication? a) Mobile phone b) Walkie Talkie c) Television d) Fax Machine 7) Which of the following is an example of full-duplex communication? a) Walkie-talkie b) Radio broadcast c) Video conference d) Keyboard and monitor 8) What is serial data transmission? a) Transmission of data one bit at a time over a single channel b) Transmission of multiple bits simultaneously over multiple channels c) Transmission of data in both directions simultaneously d) Transmission of data using a dedicated channel for each bit 9) Which transmission type is generally faster over short distances? a) Serial transmission b) Parallel transmission c) Both are equally fast d) It depends on the type of data 10) What does USB stand for? a) Universal System Bus b) Universal Serial Bus c) Unified Serial Bus d) Unified System Bus 11) Which version of USB introduced the USB Type-C connector?What is a significant advantage of USB Type-C connectors? a) They are smaller than USB Type-A connectors b) They support higher data transfer rates c) They are reversible, allowing them to be plugged in either direction d) All of the above 12) What is the primary purpose of error detection in data communication? a) To increase the speed of data transmission b) To ensure data is transmitted without any errors c) To provide encryption for data security d) To compress data for efficient transmission 13) Which of the following is NOT an error detection method? a) Parity Check b) CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) c) Checksum d) Data Encryption Standard (DES) 14) In a parity check, what does "even parity" mean? a) The number of 1-bits in the data should be even b) The number of 0-bits in the data should be even c) The number of 1-bits in the data should be odd d) The number of 0-bits in the data should be odd 15) Which of the following error detection methods uses a polynomial division? a) Parity Check b) Checksum c) CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) d) Hamming Code 16) What is a check digit? a) An additional digit used to encrypt data b) An additional digit used to verify the accuracy of a data entry c) An additional digit used to compress data d) An additional digit used to route data packets 17) Where are check digits commonly used? a) In data encryption b) In barcodes and identification numbers c) In data compression algorithms d) In network routing protocols 18) What is asymmetric encryption? a) Encryption that uses the same key for both encryption and decryption b) Encryption that does not require keys c) Encryption that compresses data d) Encryption that uses different keys for encryption and decryption 19) What is symmetric encryption? a) Encryption that uses the same key for both encryption and decryption b) Encryption that uses different keys for encryption and decryption c) Encryption that does not require keys d) Encryption that compresses data 20) What is the primary purpose of ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest)? a) To encrypt data during transmission b) To provide data routing information c) To compress data for efficient transmission d) To request retransmission of data when errors are detected

Chapter 2

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