Probe - A labelled DNA or RNA sequence used to detect the presence of complementary sequences, Autoradiography - A detection method that uses X-ray film to visualize radioactive probes bound to DNA., Gel Electrophoresis - The technique used to separate DNA fragments based on size before transferring them to the nitrocellulose filter., Hybridisation - The process by which a single-stranded DNA or RNA probe binds to its complementary DNA sequence on the nitrocellulose filter.., Blotting - The general term for transferring DNA, RNA, or proteins from a gel to a membrane., Denaturation - The process of separating double-stranded DNA into single strands., Southern - The last name of the scientist who developed the blotting technique for DNA., RFLPanalysis - Technique that involves analyzing variations in DNA fragment lengths after restriction enzyme digestion.,

Southern Blotting

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