I'm getting married on next October 26th, We're meeting tomorrow at 8.00 pm, We're playing minecraft next Friday, She's travelling to Indonesia in December, He's eating with me and my parents tonight, We're moving to Barcelona in June, Daniel is buying a new car at Christmas, I'm meeting my friends tomorrow at the park, She's flying to Paris next week for a conference, We're having dinner with my parents this evening, They're moving into a new house next month, He's starting a new job next Monday, I'm seeing the doctor at 3.00 pm on Friday, We're going to the movies this Saturday, She's visiting her grandmother this weekend, I'm visiting my friend tomorrow, What are you doing tonight?, They're going on holiday next week, Are you playing badminton tomorrow?, Where are they going this weekend?, We aren't going to school next week, I'm popping over to Poland for a few days, I'm looking forward to a nice cosy Christmas, She's going to phone Mum after dinner, He's going to wear my black dress tonight, We're going to go to the supermarket after work, We're leaving very early tomorrow, They're playing golf with Jack next Saturday, He's seeing the dentist after class, I'm doing the homework tonight,
Present continuous for future arrangements
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