1) It has got four legs. It hasn't got a beak. It has got a tail. It is big. It is black and orange. a) tiger b) penguin c) lizard d) snake e) giraffe f) lion 2) They haven't got hair. They have got beak and wings but they can't fly. a) lizards b) penguins c) lions d) tigers e) snakes f) giraffes 3) It has got a long body. It hasn't got legs. It has got a long body. It has got a long tongue. a) lizard b) penguin c) snake d) tiger e) giraffe f) lion 4) They haven't got hair. They haven't got beaks or wings. They have got four legs and they are small. They are green. a) penguins b) snakes c) tigers d) lizards e) lions f) giraffes 5) It has got long legs and a very long neck. It hasn't got a beak. It has got a very long tongue. a) penguin b) snake c) tiger d) lizard e) giraffe f) lion 6) They have got long hair around their face. They haven't got a beak or wings. They have got a long tail. They are very dangerous a) penguins b) snakes c) tigers d) lizards e) giraffes f) lions

Guessing Game about Wild Animals

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