1) The kittens ........................ on the bed. a) reserve b) take a nap c) teach 2) My best friend is not here. I ................ her. a) lonely b) put out c) miss 3) People ................. food and water for the animals in the summer. a) reserve b) put out c) teach 4) Pandas live in the .................... People take care of them. a) rainforest b) reserve c) desert 5) I love mom and dad. They ...................me. a) take care of b) put out c) take a nap 6) The teachers ...................us Math and English. a) carry b) find c) teach 7) Gorillas live in the ............... a) sea b) rainforest c) hive 8) This is an ................family. a) fox b) orangutan c) squirrel 9) Frogs live in the ................. a) woods b) field c) pond 10) There are cows in the .......... a) field b) woods c) pond

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