1) How many periods of education in Poland? a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1 2) Good grades and behaviour are focused in education. a) False b) True 3) '6' stands for ....... a) very good b) the best c) very bad d) bad e) not the best f) good 4) '4' stands for .......... a) good b) the best c) bad d) very bad e) not the best f) very good 5) How long does a Christmas holiday last? a) 5 minutes b) 2 weeks c) two months d) 15 minutes e) one month 6) What is the name of the Polish partner school in 'Discuss This' eTwinning project? a) Szkola podstawowa w bozkowie nr3 b) skola podstawawo w bozkowie nr 2 c) Szkola podstawowa w bozkowie n 1 d) Szkola podstaw bozkowie nr3 e) Szkola podswa w bozkowie nr3


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