1) Can you ... that bus? a) see b) look c) watch 2) Where do you ... films and cartoons? a) see b) look c) watch 3) How often do you ... your friends? a) see b) look c) watch 4) Cats can ... in the dark. a) see b) look c) watch 5) ... at me! I am so tired. I want to sleep. a) see b) look c) watch 6) Can you ... after your sister for 10 minutes? I need to buy milk. a) see b) look c) watch 7) Can you ... at the book? Is near you? a) see b) look c) watch 8) We don't ... each other often. a) see b) look c) watch 9) They never ... comedies, only horror films. a) see b) look c) watch 10) I always ... in the mirror before leaving house. a) see b) look c) watch

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