Make up - Invent a story or plan, Name after - Name someone after someone/something, Give away - Give something freely as a gift or donation, Have in common with - To have the same interests or opinions as someone else, Look like - Used to say what something is like, Do away with - Remove or put an end to something, Cut down - Cause something to fall by cutting it through at the base, Get out of - Get out of doing something, Make sense - Be intelligible, justifiable, or practicable, Cope with - To deal successfully with a difficult situation or job, I'd say the exact opposite - Used for emphasizing that two people or things are completely different, No doubt about it - Used to indicate the speaker's firm belief that something is true, Indeed - Used to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested, Initially - At first,

Phrasal Verbs, adverbs and expressions match up


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