1) People will appreciate you if... a) if you take advantange of them. b) if you treat them badly. c) if you are willing to help them. 2) We will go to the supermarket... a) if we want to. b) if there's not enough food. c) if we are bored. 3) If you are a nice person,... a) people will stop talking to you. b) your parents will be disappointed. c) I will share my netflix account with you. 4) I will starve... a) if I don't eat anything. b) if I don't drink some water. c) if I don't sleep. 5) If our parents find out that we broke the TV, ... a) they will ground us. b) they will be very happy. c) they won't care. 6) You may feel left out... a) if your friends invite you to a lot of parties. b) if you don't get along with many people. c) if you are an outgoing person.  7) If we reach a compromise,... a) I will do whatever I want to do. b) I will expect you to pull your weight. c) We will become best friends. 8) You are an important person... a) If you sleep all day. b) If you don't care about other people. c) If you are in charge of a big company. 9) If my friends lend me money,... a) they are naive. b) they are considerate. c) they are selfish. 10) If I reply to all my crush's stories,... a) they will fall in love with me. b) they will block me. c) they will think I am creepy.

Zero and First Conditional Sentences


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