1) The opposite of arrive a) arrive b) comfort c) rude d) depart e) innocent f) polite 2) The opposite of comfort a) vacant b) guilty c) doctor d) disturb e) innocent f) patient 3) The opposite of polite a) punish b) entrance c) comedy d) reward e) rude f) tragedy 4) The opposite of vacant a) occupied b) guilty c) doctor d) reward e) tragedy f) arrive 5) The opposite of guilty a) exit b) patient c) comedy d) disturb e) doctor f) innocent 6) The opposite of entrance a) rude b) exit c) punish d) reward e) doctor f) disturb 7) The opposite of punish a) rude b) comedy c) vacant d) exit e) guilty f) reward 8) The opposite of comedy a) patient b) tunnel c) bridge d) fun e) tragedy f) doctor

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