1) A/an ----------------------- is a very small, slow animal. a) snail b) strange c) athlete d) elephant 2) I don't know this car. It's very -------------------------. a) travel b) strange c) snail d) athlete 3) During the Sports Day, I met a famous ---------------------------. a) travel b) strange c) snail d) athlete 4) Don't ride your bike without a helmet. It's very ------------------------. a) travel b) strange c) dangerous d) athlete 5) When I grow up, I will --------------------- around the world. a) travel b) strange c) snail d) dangerous 6) There is a ------------------ to cover the lens of the camera. a) space b) lid c) dark d) telescope 7) Astronauts travel into ----------------------------. a) lid b) dark c) space d) telescope 8) I can't see anything. It's very ----------------. a) lid b) space c) telescope d) dark 9) We can see stars by using a ----------------------------. a) lid b) telescope c) space d) dark 10) I'd like to see -------------------------- in the early morning. a) lid b) sunset c) sunrise d) telescope 11) We want to see --------------------- this evening. a) lid b) sunset c) sunrise d) telescope 12) She went on a ---------------------- round the old town. a) volcano b) active c) erupt d) tour 13) A very hot liquid that comes out of a volcano is called -------------------. a) erupt b) lava c) tour d) active 14) This volcano always erupts. It is -----------------------. a) lava b) crater c) active d) flow 15) A hole at the top of a volcano or a mountain is called a/an -----------------------. a) lava b) active c) erupt d) crater 16) A place where the ancient people used to live is called a/an -----------------------. a) cave b) crater c) active d) erupt 17) A --------------------- lives in a big castle. a) dust b) king c) treasure d) gold 18) This man has got a lot of money. He is very --------------------------. a) dust b) king c) rich d) gold 19) There are a lot of jewels and golden objects in this -----------------------. a) dust b) king c) rich d) treasure 20) Titanic ------------------- to the bottom of the ocean. a) sank b) dust c) king d) rich 21) This ring is made of --------------- not silver. a) sank b) gold c) dust d) rich 22) There is a lot of ---------------------------- in air. It's windy. a) sank b) gold c) dust d) golden 23) If a --------------------------- erupts, It will destroy houses and cities. a) flow b) cave c) crater d) volcano 24) My best dish is -----------------------. It's made of fish. a) sushi b) cheese c) pizza d) cake 25) Our -------------------------- is Earth. We have to protect it. a) telescope b) lid c) space d) planet 26) We can see sea animals at the -------------------------. a) planetarium b) aquarium c) space d) telescope 27) We can see planets at the --------------------------------. a) planetarium b) aquarium c) zoo d) park 28) When volcanoes ----------------------, they cause destruction. a) active b) cave c) erupt d) crater 29) You can see lava ---------------------- down the mountains. a) crater b) cave c) sinking d) flowing 30) The colour of this fish is -----------------------. It's bright. a) dark b) golden c) sunset d) telescope

G6 Module 9 Vocabulary


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