1) Easter day is always on …………………, and it is in spring. a) Saturday b) Thursday c) Friday d) Sunday 2) The symbol of Easter is an Easter bunny, a happy ... with a basket of chocolate eggs. a) boy b) girl c) rabbit d) puppy 3) Children have ... to collect their eggs. a) pocket b) basket c) bucket d) bag 4) They put branches in a ... and hang eggs on them. a) glass b) bottle c) vase d) cup 5) At Easter people used to wear special ... .They are called bonnets. a) hats b) coats c) caps 6) On ... the Queen goes to Westminster Abbey and she gives money to ... people. a) Good Friday, young b) Maundy Thursday, poor c) Maundy Thursday, famous d) Easter Sunday, rich 7) On Good Friday people eat hot cross buns. These are small loaves of ... bread and they have a ... on top. a) sweet, cross b) brown, cross c) white, sweet 8) People take the eggs on the top of the ... and eggs ... down. a) mountain, break b) roof, go c) hill, roll

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