TRUE: NASA has a bandwidth of over 90 gigabits per second, A LAN network is typically a lot faster than a WAN network, There are 16 bits in 2 bytes, The motherboard uses parallel data transmission, The CPU has its own separate memory, You can change the speed of a computer’s clock to make it go faster, When computers send data, its BAUD rate can determine how fast it goes, Baseband is slower than Broadband, Duplex data transmission is faster than serial transmission, A parity bit is added to a character to help ensure correct transmission, Blue lasers have a smaller confinement beam than red lasers, Alan Turing was a wartime code breaker in Bletchley Park, Routers pass data to the next router, until it gets to its final destination, RAM is volatile memory, The Operating System is the most important piece of software, The binary number 1101 represents the decimal number 13, A nibble is half a byte, Doubling the amount of RAM that you have will increase the speed of your computer, The hexadecimal number F can be represented in binary as 1111, MAC addresses can never change, regardless of where you are located, To DEBUG a program is to find errors and correct them, Colours that are “24 bit colour” use three bytes to represent each pixel’s colour, Text files are typically vastly smaller than picture files, Lossy file compression loses information from a file, Bitmap graphics are made up of millions of tiny dots, The “Sample Rate” of a piece of digitised music affects the quality of the final piece, File compression is vital if the internet is to work smoothly, A Check Digit can almost always detect an error when a Book Number or Barcode is typed in, Verification Checks are expensive and troublesome to carry out, Computers work by electricity, FALSE: Data transmission speeds are almost at the “1,000,000 bits per second” stage, Computers speed up in hot weather due to electricity conducting faster, All data packets use the same route as the previous packets, The World Wide Web was invented by the American military100-64=20, The clock speed of a computer has no bearing on its overall speed10+60=90, Serial data transmission is when data passes both ways simultaneously, Checksum and Check Digit are exactly the same thing, Calvin Hobbes was responsible for breaking the Enigma Code, ROM stores the data that we are typing in, A nibble is the smallest unit of measurable data in a computer, The hexadecimal digit B can be represented in binary as 1010, Increasing the number of bits used in an image from “8 bit colour” to “16 bit colour” would double the amount of colours available, Movie files and picture files are usually about the same size, The two types of compression are referred to as Lossless and Lossing, MP3 music files use lossless methods of compression, The .GIF file extension is often used for music files, URL stands for “Unlikely Relative Link”, It’s better to use the same password for every site you use, so you don’t forget it, Purchasing an anti virus piece of software is all you need to do in order to protect yourself, A Magnetic Hard Drive (HDD) is an example of a primary storage device, A USB is a data storage device used with computers, A camera can transmit photographs that you have taken, A phone is a convenient way to access the internet, Computers today can typically process almost a million instructions per second, Characters are represented in the computer using the ASK-TEE character set, Python has IF and CASE Conditional Statements, The Linux Operating System is owned by Microsoft, 11111111 is an example of correct Odd Parity transmission, The binary number 1111 represents the decimal number 16, The hexadecimal digit B can be represented in binary as 1010,

Computing Facts (True-False)


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