1) What's the name of this building? a) Big Ben b) Traffaglar Square c) Buckingam Palace d) Kensington Gardens 2) Say the opposites a) heavy b) hard c) round d) thin e) soft 3) What job is this: " I look after sick animals." a) doctor b) vet c) musician d) photographer 4) Choose the best answer: "Peter is this your jacket?" a) "Yes, it's mine." b) "Yes, its mine" c) "No, its his" d) "No, they aren't" 5) Finish the sentence:"It's very hot today and she is wearing her _____ a) jacket b) trousers c) shoes d) shorts 6) What are the people in the picture doing? a) MrGreen b) Mike c) Paul d) the Cat e) the girls f) the grandmother 7) What job is this: "I talk with interesting people" a) doctor b) photographer c) pilot d) journalist 8) what you must/mustn't do in the park? when does park close a) at 6 in the morning b) at noon c) at 2 pm d) in the evening 9) What's correct: The boots are Fred's. a) They are hers. b) They are his. c) They are ours. d) They are mine. 10) What season is it: The weather is very nice, not too cold, not to sunny. You can wear a light jacket and shoes. a) summer b) winter c) spring d) autumn 11) In which verb do we have the "CVC" rule? a) dance b) cry c) swim d) play 12) WHen it is very cold outside what do we wear? a) A coat b) trainers c) skirt d) jacket 13) He is a .... a) pilot b) vet c) teacher d) chef 14) In which answer (a,b,c,d) are ONLY the uncountable nouns a) burger, cheese, chair, salt b) salt, water, cheese, lemonade c) bananas, apples, sugar, juice d) pizza, juice, rice, apples 15) Explain the route from point A to the MEETING POINT. is this the shortest way? a) yes b) no 16) What are these? a) jeans b) trainers c) sneakers d) tracksuit

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