1. Scarcely had we settled into the strawberry-pink villa before Mother decided that I was ____ and that it was necessary for me to have some sort of education.2. But where to find this on a ____ Greek island? 3. As usual when a problem arose the entire family ____ itself with enthusiasm ____ the task of solving it. 4. ‘But, dear, that wouldn’t really be much use to him later ____,’ Mother pointed out, adding ____, ‘unless he was going into the ____ or something.’ 5. ‘I think it’s ____ that he learns to dance,’ said Margo, ‘or else he’ll grow up into one of these awful ____ hobbledehoys.’((archaic) a clumsy or bad-mannered youth)6. ‘Yes, dear; but that sort of thing can come later. He should be getting some sort of ____ in things like mathematics and French… and his spelling’s ____.’ 7.‘Literature,’ said Larry, with conviction, ‘that’s what he wants, a good ____ grounding ____ literature. The rest will follow naturally. I’ve been encouraging him to read some good stuff.’ 8. ‘What he wants is a healthy, outdoor life; if he learned to shoot and sail –’ began Leslie. ‘Oh, stop talking like a bishop. You’ll be ____ cold baths next.’ 9. ‘He appears to have only one interest,’ said Larry bitterly, ‘and that’s this awful ____ to fill things with animal life. I don’t think he ought to be encouraged in that. Life is ____ with danger ____. I went to light a cigarette only this morning and a damn’ great ____ flew out of the box.’10. ‘I wouldn’t mind being attacked by bumble-bees, if it ____ anywhere,’ Larry pointed out. ‘But it’s just a phase… he’ll ____ of it by the time he’s fourteen.’ 11. ‘He’s been in this phase ____ the age of two,’ said Mother, ‘and he’s showing no signs of growing out ____ it.’ 12. ‘Well, if you insist on ____ him full of useless information, I suppose George would have a ____ at teaching him,’ said Larry. ‘That’s a ____,’ said Mother delightedly. ‘Will you go over and see him? I think the sooner he starts the better.’ 13. Sitting under the open window in the twilight, with my arm round Roger’s shaggy neck, I had listened with interest, not unmixed with indignation, to the family discussion on my ____. Now that it was settled, I ____ vaguely who George was, and why it was so necessary for me to have lessons. But the dusk was thick with flower scents, and the olive groves were dark, mysterious, and fascinating. I forgot about the ____ danger of being educated, and went off with Roger to hunt for glow-worms in the sprawling brambles.14. He was ____ by the fact that there were no school-books ____ on the island; he simply ____ his own library and appeared on the appointed day armed with a most unorthodox selection of tomes. Sombrely and patiently he taught me the ____ of geography from the maps 15. From my point of view, however, the most important thing was that we ____ some of our time to natural history, and George ____ and carefully taught me how to observe and how to note down observations in a diary. 16. At once my enthusiastic but ____ interest in nature became focused, for I found that by writing things down I could learn and remember much more.17. ‘Good morning. The disciple awaits the master agog with ____, I trust?’ he would greet me. 18.‘If it took two caterpillars a week to eat eight leaves, how long would four caterpillars take to eat the same number? Now, ____ yourself to that.’ 17. When his enemy was backed into the corner, George would ____ and twist round him with the ____ of a wasp, stabbing, thrusting, guarding. 18. Thus for me, the chief products of Ceylon were tapirs and tea, of India tigers and rice, of Australia kangaroos and sheep, while the blue curves of ____ we drew across the oceans carried whales, albatross, penguins, and walrus, as well as hurricanes, trade winds, fair weather and foul. Our maps were works of art. 19. However, he did not desert me, but lay under the table asleep while I ____ with my work. Occasionally, if I had to fetch a book, he would wake, get up, shake himself, ____ loudly, and ____ his tail.

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