Your neighbor is leaving the house running., You hear that your single cousin is looking for a bigger apartment., When you check your phone after work you see 20 messages from your friend saying 'call me!', Your teacher is wearing different color socks., You pass by an office building, and you see everybody standing outside., Your date is going very well, but then you notice a wedding ring on their finger., Your friend is selling all their furniture on Facebook Marketplace., You walk into the library and all the books are on the floor, You visit your grandmother. Junk mail is piling up around her letterbox. , There is a person sitting across from a hotel with a camera ., On your way back home, you see lots of reporters and police cars in front of your house., As you are walking on the street, everybody points and laughs at you., Your colleague arrives to work an hour late. He looks stressed and sweaty., Your little sister comes home from school crying., You check your bank balance, and you have $0 in your account., You wake up in the back of a van with your hands tied behind your back., You hear your housemate laughing loudly in their room. , You hear a helicopter flying above your house., Your dog won't stop barking outside., Your legs are feeling very tired., Your back has been hurting lately. , You move into your new house and you hear strange noises at night. , You are walking through the market you and you find wallet on the ground., You got 10,000 likes on your Instagram photo!, You can't find your car keys. Your sister says she's going out. Then you hear your car drive off., You smell smoke coming from the kitchen, You see a bird outside on the ground under a window., My classmate got 100% on her test!, My classmate got 0% on her test!, I thought we had no milk, but when I checked in the fridge there was milk. , The scales say I am 10kgs heaver than I usually am., I found a love letter in my bag when I came back from break., A moving truck is parked outside my neighbours house., It's been 3 weeks and my friend hasn't replied to my text message., All the students have a good understanding of modals verbs of deduction. , Suddenly the power went out and everything went black., Your housemate is usually talkative but today they are tired., You see your ex holding hands with someone at the shops., Your best friend is not at school today., You suddenly smell something rotten and horrible in the classroom..

EC I2 M1 6B Mixed modal verbs of deduction. What happened?

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