1) four hundred + two thousand (400 +2.000) a) four thousand and two hundred (4.200) b) two thousand and four (2.004) c) two thousand and four hundred (2.400) d) three thousand and four hundred (3.400) 2) one million and three thousand + seven thousand (1.003.000 + 7.000) a) one million and ten thousand (1.010.000) b) two millions and five thousand (2.005.000) c) two millions (2.000.000) d) three millions (3.000.000) 3) two millions and seventy thousand - forty thousand (2.070.000 - 40.000) a) one million and five thousand (1.005.000) b) three millions (3.000.000) c) two millions and four thousand (2.004.000) d) two millions and thirty thousand (2.030.000) 4) fifty thousand and six hundred- twenty five thousand (50.600 - 25.000) a) ten thousand and six hundred (10.600) b) twety thousand (20.000) c) twenty five thousand and six hundred (25.600) d) forty thousand and five hundred (40.500) 5) four thousand and three hundred : one hundred (4.300 : 100) a) four hundred and thirty (430) b) forty three (43) c) four thousand and two hundred (4.200)

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