specialise in sth - concentrate on one subject, profound - deep or intese (effect or feeling), cognitive - connected to thinking or mentality, curiousity - desire to know or find out, achievement - reaching a goal or success, failure - lack of success or collapse, determination - trying hard or not giving up, miscalculation - bad judgement or calculation, collaborate - work together with, methodical - in a careful or ordered way, ignore - pay no attention, endorse - recommend a product or brand, guarantee - promise that sth will happen, gullible - easily tricked or too trusting, prominent - noticeable, standing out, pressure - forcefully persuade, incorporate - include/ contain, entice - persuade by offering sth, to tempt, bombard - attack continuously, inescapable - cannot be avoided/ unavoidable, considerate - kind and helpful or thoughtful, mainstream - common or average (ideas), civilization - culturally advance human society, supportive - helpful and encouraging, appropriate - suitable, engage - join in or get involved, voluntary - done willingly or without payment, charitable - helping the poor or in need, foster - help sth grow (attitude or ideas), multicultural - having many different cultures,

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