1) The period of European History from about AD 500 around 1500. a) Early Christians b) Vikings c) Middle Ages d) Romans 2) These people agreed to supply the king with soldiers and horses for his army. a) Siege b) Turrets c) Peasant d) Lords and ladies 3) These people worked the land for the nobles and knights who in turn offered them protection. a) Peasants b) Bailiff c) Page d) Lord 4) Name of system of land ownership where rulers divided land amount their followers in return for loyalty and taxes. a) Charter b) Feudalism c) Tithe d) Solar 5) First type of castles, made from wood. a) Cupping b) Motte and bailey c) Fallow d) Open field system 6) Main building inside stone castle. a) Journeymen b) Solar c) Dubbing d) Keep 7) The walkway on the top where soldiers watched for enemies a) moat b) keep c) battlements d) turrets 8) Tower built into walls at the corners of stone castles. a) Siege b) Journeymen c) Bailiff d) Turrets 9) Deep ditch that surrounded castle. a) Dowry b) Feudalism c) Moat d) Peasants 10) The iron grills to protect the gate. a) portcullis b) gatehouse c) drawbridge d) solar room 11) Surrounding of castle for long time, main aim was to get those inside to surrender. a) Page b) Siege c) Fair green d) Lords and ladies 12) Warm sunny room on top floor of keep. a) Solar b) Chivalry c) Latin d) Motte and bailey 13) Comic performers a) Chivalry b) Jesters c) Dowry d) Bailiff 14) Falcons were trained to fly from a nobles wrist and to kill and bring back other birds or small animals. This was called a) hunting b) hawking c) jesting d) embroidery

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