1) When was the armistice signed? a) 11th November 1918 b) 12th November 1919 c) 11th November 1919 2) The signing of the armistice was seen as... a) An amazing day b) A relief c) A betrayal 3) When was the Weimar Republic formed? a) 1924 b) 1919 c) 1918 4) What was the Reichstag? a) The new German parliament that used proportional representation and elected members every 4 years b) The home of the Kaiser during ww1 c) The home of the chancellor 5) Who was the leader of the SA? a) Ernst Röhm b) Heinrich Himmler c) Franz von Papen 6) How many years was the president of the Weimar Republic elected for? a) 7 b) 4 c) 5 7) How old did men and women have to be to in order to vote in the Weimar Republic? a) 25 b) 18 c) 21 8) What is a coalition government? a) A government ruled by the political party with the majority of the votes b) A government made up of two or more political parties c) A government which has two Chancellors 9) Which of the following was not a military term of the Treaty of Versailles? a) Germany lost Alsace and Lorraine to France b) The German army was limited to 100,000 men c) The Rhineland was demilitarised 10) What is the stab-in-the-back theory also known as? a) Diktat b) Dolchstoss c) Concordat 11) What was the name of the territory that the French invaded in 1923? a) The Ruhr b) East Prussia c) The Rhineland 12) ho became chancellor and foreign secretary of Germany in 1923? a) Friedrich Ebert b) Gustav Stresemann c) Matthias Erzberger 13) What was the name of the currency introduced to Germany in 1923 which was tied to the value of gold? a) Deutschmark b) Reichsmark c) Rentenmark 14) Which of the following art movements is based on art showing a realistic view of the world, including poverty? a) Bauhaus b) Expressionism c) New Objectivism 15) What year was the Wall Street Crash? a) 1928 b) 1925 c) 1929 16) Who was the head of the Weimar Republic? a) The President (Hindenburg) b) The Chancellor (Brüning) c) The Nazis (Hitler) 17) The Chancellor (Brüning) a) 30th May 1932 b) 2nd December 1932 c) 30th January 1933 18) Which leading Nazi was responsible for censorship and propaganda in Germany? a) Joseph Goebbels b) Albert Speer c) Leni Riefenstahl 19) Which of these was an expectation of BOTH boys and girls within Nazi youth groups? a) Military drills b) Lessons on characteristics of the ideal Aryan husband c) Reporting anyone who spoke critically of the Nazis 20) Who did Hitler officially blame for Kristallnacht? a) Communists b) The SA c) Jews 21) Which of these is the best definition of a socialist? a) Someone who believes there should be no government. The country should be governed by society, not politicians. b) Someone who believes that the means of producing and distributing goods should be owned collectively or by a centralised government. This is often motivated by the belief that society will be more equal in power and wealth as a result. c) Someone who is very sociable and believes that people should get along with others, both in their own country but with people from other countries too. 22) What does the term 'invisible unemployment' mean? a) Increasing the military and the production of weapons. b) Unemployed people who did not appear on official unemployment statistics. c) Employed people who did not appear on official employment statistics. 23) Who confessed to starting the Reichstag Fire? a) Marinus van der Lubbe b) Von Scheicher c) Ernst Thalmann 24) In January 1934, who was still a threat to Hitler's power? a) President Hindenburg b) Ernst Thalmann c) Gustav Stresemann 25) Which of the following best describes autarky? a) The idea that the Treaty of Versailles should be abolished b) The idea that Jews were not allowed to be German citizens c) The idea that Germany should be self-sufficient 26) The idea that Germany should be self-sufficient a) The German Communist Party b) The Social Democratic Party c) The National Socialist German Workers Party 27) What was the name given to Hitler's belief in a racially pure German person? a) Aryanism b) Lebensraum c) Fuhrerprinzip 28) Who was the leader of the SS? a) Reinhard Heydrich b) Heinrich Himmler c) Herman Goering 29) What year did Germany become a member of the League of Nations? a) 1925 b) 1926 c) 1928 30) The Spartacists were led by Karl Leibknecht and which other person? a) Rosa Luxemburg b) Eva Braun c) Elizabeth Luxemburg 31) Who did the German Government use to crush the Spartacist revolt? a) The SA b) The Friekorps c) Genral Strike 32) What was the Nazis aim during the Munich Putsch? a) To overthrow the German government b) To install Hitler as Chancellor of Germany c) To overthrow the Bavarian government 33) How long did Hitler spend in Landsberg Prison? a) Nine months b) Five years c) Five months

Weimar & Nazi Germany


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