cook inside an oven - bake, combine or put in the same place - mix, do physical activities to make your body strong and healthy - exercise, take or carry someone/something to a place - bring, make a phone call to someone; make the sound of a bell - ring, tidy your hair using a comb - comb, touch your pet gently and kindly with your hands - pet, (of an animal or bird) produce eggs - lay, get free from something - escape, get or receive something from someone and will give it back - borrow, stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink - float, push yourself suddenly off the ground and into the air using your legs - jump, act in a particular way, especially to be good - behave, put yourself somewhere where you cannot be seen or found - hide, do or play something regularly to become skilled (good) at it - practise, talk for a long time about things that are not important - chatter, put or spread something over something - cover, bend something such as paper or cloth so that one part of it lies on the other part - fold, put a substance (such as water) into an empty space - fill, be hurt, damaged, or destroyed by fire - burn, take some things - pick, put clothes on yourself or someone else, especially a child - dress, make bread or other food warm, crisp, and brown - toast, fasten something, usually a piece of clothing, using buttons - button,


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