Equilibration - The movement from equilibrium to disequilibrium and back to equilibrium again, Organization - A process of rearranging new sets of information (schemes) and linking them to other established schemes, resulting in an expanded cognitive system, Schemas - Piaget's concept to explain cognitive patterns of actions used to learn new information, Sensorimotor Stage - Piaget's first stage of cognitive development, which is focused on motor activity and coordination of movements, Private Speech - Vygotsky's term for internal dialogue that children use for self-guidance and understanding, Zone Of Proximal Development - Vygotsky's term for a range of tasks that a child is developmentally ready to learn, Intersubjectivity - Vygotsky's term to explain how children and adults come to understand each other by adjusting perceptions to fit the other person's map of the world, Scaffolding - A term describing incremental steps in learning and development from simple to complex, Make-Believe Play - Vygotsky's term for using imagination to act out internal concepts of how the world functions and how rules are formed, Phonology - Understanding the basic sounds of the language and how they are combined to make words, Semantics - The study of meaning in language, including concepts, Syntax - How words combine into understandable phrases and sentences, Pragmatics - An understanding of how to engage in communication with others that is socially acceptable and effective, Coo - A vocalization typically produced by infants from birth to 4 months old that resembles vowel-like sounds, Infant-Directed Speech - Exaggerated intonation, reduced speech rate, and shorter utterance duration used when speaking to infants. In the past, other terms used to describe the same speech patterns were child-directed speech, motherese, or parentese, Babble - Prelanguage speech with which the baby explores the variety of sounds, Jargon - Language term that refers to the mixing of one real word with strings of babble, Telegraphic Speech - When infants and toddlers combine two or three words into a sentence including only key words , Forebrain - The portion of the brain that contains the cerebral cortex, which produces all of our complex thoughts, emotional responses, decision-making, reasoning, and communicating,

I&T Chapter 2 (Part 2) Physical and Cognitive/Language Development


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