creative (творческий) - having the skill to produce something new, especially a work of art, critical (критичный, требовательный) - saying what you think is bad about somebody/something, disorganized (неорганизованный) - not able to plan or organize well, efficient (квалифицированный, эффективный) - doing something in a good way with no waste of time, money or energy, forgetful (забывчивый) - often forgetting things, generous (щедрый) - willing to give money and help, hardworking (усердный) - putting a lot of effort into a job and doing it well, impatient (нетерпеливый) - annoyed because you have to wait for a long time, level-headed (хладнокровный, уравновешенный) - able to make good decisions even in difficult situations, moody (подверженный резким перепадам настроения - having moods (настроение) that change quickly and often, punctual (пунктуальный) - not late, reliable (надежный) - somebody you can trust, short-tempered (вспыльчивый) - somebody who becomes angry very quickly and easily, strict (строгий) - a person who limits someone's freedom (свобода),

Personality traits

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