1) Which of these are methods conserving water? a) Close coupled WC with flush b) Low volume WC flush c) Loads of volume flush d) Single flush cistern e) Dual flash cistern f) High volume taps 2) Which of these are methods conserving water? a) Spray tapes b) Spray shower c) Spray valves d) Spray taps e) Dual taps f) High volume taps 3) What category carbon producer is shown in the picture? a) High b) Low c) Zero 4) Which of these are methods conserving water? a) Using a bath not the shower b) Always turn the plug off c) Regular maintenance d) Regular loosening of valves e) Dual reduction volvo f) Parallel slide valve 5) Which of these are methods conserving water? a) Flow reducing valves b) High input shower valve c) Spray valves d) Piston valves e) Dual reduction volvo f) Parallel slide valve 6) Why do we conserve water and electricity in dwellings? a) To conserve lighting and save power b) To conserve energy sources and save money c) To conserve C02 and save dioxide d) To conserve heat and save the sun e) To conserve spongebob and save blippi f) To conserve jam and save penguins 7) Why do we conserve water and electricity in dwellings? a) To conserve lighting and save power b) To conserve wildlife and save money c) To conserve CO2 and save dioxide d) To conserve heat and save the sun e) To reduce the release of CO2 into the atmosphere f) To conserve jam and save penguins 8) In which category would you put what is shown in the picture? a) Hazardous b) Inert c) Non-hazardous 9) When talking about site waste disposal, which legislation applies? a) Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulation 2008 b) The Site Waste Bin Management Plans Regulation 2008 c) The Site Waste Management Plans Regulations 2008 d) The Management Plans of Site Waste Regulations 2008 e) The Skip Waste Management Plans Regulations 2008  f) The Site Management Plans Regulations 2008 10) What category carbon producer is shown in the picture? a) High b) Low c) Zero 11) How do we conserve electricity in dwellings (houses)? a) Always use your remote control correctly b) Energy ratings on appliances not visible c) Remove all wall cavity and loft insulation d) Switch electricals off not on standby mode e) Have your boiler serviced annually f) Not changing a thing 12) How do we conserve electricity in dwellings (houses)? a) Energy ratings on appliances below A b) Energy ratings on appliances not visible c) A rated appliances and energy efficient lighting d) A rated radiators and corgi registered e) Have your boiler serviced annually f) Not changing a thing 13) Why is it important to conserve water and electricity in domestic dwellings? a) To keep all the dams full b) To guarantee no hose pipe bans c) To ensure future water shortages d) To prevent water shortages in the future e) To decrease the property value f) It is harmful to the environment 14) What category carbon producer is shown in the picture? a) High b) Low c) Zero 15) What category is shown in the picture? a) Hazardous b) Inert c) Non-hazardous 16) WEEE is an abbreviation of which Regulations: a) Waste Electricity, Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations b) Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations c) Waste Electronic Energy and Electrical Regulations 17) Heat is provided from what for heat pumps to work? a) Wood pellets b) The sun c) Waves/water d) Ground or air e) The ozone layer f) Solar Photovoltaic 18) What do we need for Biomass to work? a) Biological substances b) Bananas c) Coal d) Wood pellets e) 2 acres of land f) A 3 phase supply 19) Where can we get advice from on energy saving and conservation techniques? a) Carbon.Gov.Uk & Energy saving Trust b) Carbs Trust & Lloyds saving Trust c) Carvon Trust & Energy sawing Trust d) Carbon Trust & Energy saving Trust e) Carbon Trust & Energe Trust f) Carbonara Trust & Energy saving Trust 20) What category is shown in the picture? a) Hazardous b) Inert c) Non-hazardous 21) What is legally required to carry waste for a company? a) A drivers licence b) A CSCS card c) Category A truck licence d) A long wheel based vehicle e) A waste carriers licence f) The correct PPE and clothing 22) Which of these materials are metals that can be recycled? a) Laminated foil pouches b) Pyrex and Mirrors c) Copper, iron and brass d) Mercury and lead e) Plutonium and Uranium f) Ceramic and glass 23) We can conserve energy by: a) Use renewable sources and collect all materials in one week b) Transporting materials by air c) Using renewable sources and sourcing materials locally d) Ensure you are getting the best deal by visiting all your suppliers e) Transporting materials in a fleet and using renewable sources f) Using renewable sources and less material than required 24) To protect the environment and conserve energy we should? a) Estimate all work before ordering materials b) Always buy top quality materials regardless of the price c) Put PVA on everything like a plasterer would d) Reduce distances and transportation costs e) Transport by diesel vehicles only f) Use cheaper, lighter materials 25) We can reduce our material wastage by: a) Not wasting time picking up screws and fittings b) Planning work and measure, cut and setting out cable/pipe and trunking runs  c) Planning which direction and location the waste can go d) Always using fresh rolls of cable e) Throwing all off cuts of pipe and cable in the bin f) Rushing each job to earn as much money as possible 26) How do we prevent harmful gases, being released into the atmosphere and damaging the Ozone layer? a) By spreading the word to everyone! b) Installing energy efficient cow fart repellants c) By reducing carbon emissions from domestic properties d) By installing carbon fibre effect on domestic properties e) Only producing carbon emissions on a weekend between 10pm and 7am f) By reducing carbon emissions from domestic pets 27) Which is a good way to reduce carbon emissions from a domestic property? a) Fitting traditional wooden windows b) Improved innotations c) Fitting Double glazing d) Having a waste carriers licence e) Fitting security flood lights throughout property f) Buy a better, faster car 28) Which is a good way to reduce carbon emissions from a domestic property? a) Improving your stats on FIFA b) Improving your insulation c) Installing high energy lighting d) Using E rated appliances e) Removing all insulation f) Change all lights and appliances to high Wattage 29) Which is a good way to reduce carbon emissions from a domestic property? a) Improving your stats on FIFA b) Improving your guttering c) Installing low energy lighting d) Using E rated appliances e) Removing all insulation f) Change all lights and appliances to high Wattage 30) Which is a good way to reduce carbon emissions from a domestic property? a) Improving your stats on FIFA b) Improving your guttering c) Installing high energy lighting d) Using A rated appliances e) Removing all insulation f) Change all lights and appliances to high Wattage

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