1) How many sons did the king have? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 2) How many daughters did the king have? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 3) What did the king wish to his sons on his deathbed? a) To govern the country justly b) They want their sisters to marry the first person who wants them. c) Have his grave made of gold 4) Which brother allowed them to marry after a mysterious voice asked one of the princesses one night? a) youngest brother b) middle brother c) middle brother 5) By killing whom did the youngest brother save the people of the region from a great trouble and marry the king's daughter? a) nine giants b) Hydra c) Double headed eagle 6) Where did the youngest brother live after marrying the king's daughter? a) In a big farmhouse b) In the castle at the top of the high mountain c) In the king's castle 7) What is the one forbidden place in the king's castle that the youngest brother cannot enter after his marriage? a) king's chamber b) gold store c) Bash Tchelik's room 8) What does Bash Tchelik want from the youngest brother who comes to him? a) to unchain b) 3 glasses of water c) How to set a perfect table 9) What do the sisters' wives give the youngest brother to burn when he needs help? a) Torch b) Fur c) Match 10) How to bring the youngest brother back to life after death? a) With healing water from the Jordan River b) with heart massage c) With medicinal herbs collected from the forest 11) What is the only way to kill Bash Tchelik? a) burn it b) Poisoning him with poisonous herbs in the forest c) Killing the fox living in the forest on the high mountain 12) How did the tale end? a) The youngest brother saved his wife and they lived happily. b) Bash Tchelik killed everyone and took over the world. c) The younger brother could not save his wife and fell ill with grief.


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