1) an attic a) b) c) 2) Którego słowa uzywamy aby określić miejsce, w którym ktoś lub coś się znajduje? a) on b) at c) in 3) Kamila and Olivier are ... the school. a) at b) on c) in 4) a cellar a) b) c) 5) Wybierz obazki, na których znajdują się: "window", "chair" and "table" a) b) c) d) e) f) 6) Spójrz na obrazek. Które zdania pasują? a) There are not flowers. b) There are many flowers. c) There is a door. d) There isn't a window.  e) There isn't a swing. 7) Look at the picture. Is there a fridge? a) Yes, there is. b) No, there aren't c) No, there isn't 8) A tree house: a) b) c) 9) Które zdanie jest poprawne? a) Is there an armchairs?  b) Is there an armchair?  c) Are there an armchair 10) What is in front of the sofa? a) There is a carpet. b) There are cushions. 11) Block of flats: a) b) c) 12) What is in the picture. a) It is a tree house. b) It is a tent. c) It is a flat. 13) Przetłumacz słowo "flat" a) mieszkanie b) blok c) dom 14) Przetłumacz "I'm looking for my socks. " a) Patrzę na moje skarpetki. b) Szukam moich skarpetek. 15) What is in this bathroom? a) There is a bath. b) There is a picture on the wall.  c) There is a plant on the bath. d) There are clothes next to the window. e) There is a mirror on the wall. f) There isn't a carpet. 16) Tom is .... the living room. a) on b) at c) in

Unit 2 My place in the house

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