characteristic - a typical or noticeable quality of someone or something , complicated - difficult/involving a lot of different parts , cope with - to deal successfully with a difficult situation  , currently - at the present time, decrease - to become less, emotion - a strong feeling such as love or anger, enjoyable - an experience that gives you pleasure , even though - although , exist - to be real/to live, focus on - to give something or someone a lot of attention , image - a picture (real or imaginary), incredible - impossible, very difficult to believe , involve - something that is a part of the activity, landscape - everything you can see when you look at a large area of land, means - a method or a way of doing something , operate - to work, to be in action, organ - a part of the body that performs a job, perform - to do an action or a piece of work, potentially - possibly, thanks to - because of,

Perfecting Vocabulary, p.20-definitions: Irisroz students(Crossword)

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