1) What does citizenship entail? a) Participation in community activities b) Isolation from societal responsibilities c) Ignoring societal norms 2) How do you define digital citizenship? a) Responsible behavior in the online world b) Avoidance of digital tools c) Engaging in cyberbullying 3) Why is digital literacy important? a) To navigate the digital landscape effectively b) To spread misinformation intentionally c) To disregard online security measures 4) Which skills are part of digital literacy? a) Understanding basic computer operations b) Critically evaluating online information c) Memorizing internet memes 5) How can individuals safeguard their online privacy? a) Freely sharing personal information b) Using strong passwords and privacy settings c) Leaving devices unlocked in public areas 6) What constitutes cyberbullying? a) Sending supportive messages online b) Harassing or threatening someone online c) Liking someone's posts 7) What role does digital citizenship play in online safety? a) Encouraging respectful behavior online b) Promoting cyberbullying c) None of the above 8) How can schools promote digital citizenship? a) Integrating digital literacy into the curriculum b) Banning all electronic devices c) Encouraging plagiarism in assignments 9) Which platforms are commonly used for spreading misinformation? a) Social media b) Fact-checking websites c) Reputable news sources 10) What steps can individuals take to verify online information? a) Trusting the first source they find b) Cross-referencing information from multiple sources c) Sharing without verifying 11) How does digital literacy benefit individuals in the job market? a) By limiting access to job opportunities b) By improving access to online job resources c) By discouraging communication skills 12) What role does digital literacy play in civic engagement? a) Preventing citizens from accessing government information b) Enabling citizens to access government information c) None of the above 13) What are the risks of lacking digital literacy? a) Falling victim to online scams b) Enhancing critical thinking skills c) Both a and b 14) How can governments promote digital inclusion and literacy? a) Providing access to affordable internet b) Implementing digital skills training programs c) Both a and b 15) Which of these images best defines digital citizenship? a) b) c)

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