1) If you only had five years left to live, how would you live differently? 2) What do you believe about this statement: “Everyone dies twice. Once with their body and again the last time someone mentions their name.”? 3) Can one person really change the world? 4) Is true altruism possible, or is every action motivated by self-interest? 5) Is identity something we are born with, or is it constructed over time? 6) If it was possible to live forever, would you want to? 7) Is it possible to think of nothing? 8) What defines the boundary between art and not art? 9) Is suffering necessary for personal growth? 10) If you could see into the future, would you want to know what happens? 11) Are there things in life that are truly random or is everything predetermined? 12) Is it always better to know the truth, even if it hurts? 13) What is the purpose of dreams? 14) Can a machine ever truly understand a human? 15) What is the difference between living and simply existing? 16) Does the existence of suffering negate the presence of a benevolent higher power? 17) What is the meaning of life? 18) What is the biggest issue in our society right now? 19) What is the most important thing in life? 20) Does the soul die when the body does? 21) Are people too greedy? 22) Do you believe in life after death or reincarnation? Why or why not? 23) If you could know the absolute truth to one question, what question would you ask? 24) What is your vision of the ideal society? 25) Why is it important to help others? 26) Can too much freedom be a bad thing? 27) Is freedom an illusion? 28) What would life be like if we never experienced pain? 29) What role should government have in regulating human behavior? 30) Should we have to pay for basic needs such as food, water, and shelter? 31) Is it ethical to bring children into a world with so many challenges? 32) Do you think it’s important to conform in society? 33) Is progress always beneficial, or can it sometimes be detrimental? 34) What are the ethical implications of advancements in artificial intelligence on society? 35) Can someone be in love with more than one person? 36) What is the soul? 37) What makes a relationship last for many years? 38) Can you love others if you don’t love yourself? 39) Is it ethical to keep large animals like whales and dolphins in captivity? 40) How does social media affect our perceptions of relationships? 41) Is there a formula for maintaining interest in a long-term relationship? 42) What does it mean to live a good life? 43) How does individual freedom contribute to or detract from societal harmony? 44) Do you think modern technology brings people closer together or further apart? 45) Is there a perfect balance between work and life, and if so, what does it look like? 46) If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? 47) Is justice always equitable, or is it influenced by culture? 48) If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive impact on humanity? 49) How do you know you are loved? 50) Should education be free? 51) Is love about feelings, words, or actions? 52) What can grown-ups learn from kids? 53) Is there only one truth or can it be different for everyone? 54) Can genetic engineering go too far, and if so, where should we draw the line? 55) Do people need to have children? 56) What causes someone to fall in love? 57) How do cultural differences impact romantic relationships? 58) Do soulmates exist? 59) When do children become adults? 60) Does unconditional love really exist? 61) What is kindness? 62) Is technology making us more polarized or more open in our thinking? 63) What does happiness feel like in your mind and body? 64) Do you think music is a universal language? 65) If you’d been given a different name, would you be a different person? 66) Would the world be more peaceful if kids were in charge? 67) Should there be limits to freedom of speech, and if so, what should those limits be? 68) Is it possible for societies to exist without laws? 69) What are the implications of the growing gap between the rich and the poor? 70) How do art and culture influence societal norms and politics? 71) Should animals have rights similar to human rights? 72) Should wildlife habitats be protected even if it means limiting human development? 73) Can death ever be considered a relief or a release rather than a tragedy? 74) How do different cultures celebrate or mourn death differently? 75) Is it OK to kill bugs? 76) Would you ever want to know how or when you were going to die? 77) Is it ok not to be an organ donor? 78) Do you think our pets have names for us too? 79) Is assisted suicide ethical? 80) Is it ethical to use life-extending technologies to prolong life at any cost? 81) Are dairy and eggs more ethical to eat than meat? 82) Are animals less intelligent than humans? 83) Should children be shielded from discussions about death, or should it be openly discussed? 84) Is jealousy ever justifiable in a relationship? 85) Is fear of death natural, or is it culturally constructed? 86) Do animals feel love? 87) What is the impact of financial stress on a relationship? 88) Do animals like being kept as pets? 89) Is cheating ever justifiable in a relationship? 90) Do spiders or bugs experience emotional pain? 91) If someone could time-travel, would it be ethically wrong to change history? 92) What makes something right and something wrong? 93) Should humanity attempt to colonize other planets? 94) Do you believe in life on other planets? 95) Should people living an unhealthy lifestyle pay more for healthcare? 96) What makes a crime a crime? 97) What has been the greatest advancement or invention of our time? 98) Should voting be mandatory for all eligible citizens? 99) Do you think that technology is advancing us or destroying us? 100) What legacy do you hope to leave behind when you pass away?

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