What are the best ways to l_________ for a job?, What motivates a person to change his/ her job? What is the best way to q_________ a job?, Do you like applying for jobs? What’s the best way to pass job i_________s?, What negative things can be caused by working too long? Do you know any w_________s? What makes them work so much?, Some companies use a flexible time system and e_________s can work hours that suit their lifestyles. What do you think about this?, Are you a h_________ worker? What motivates you to work?, What is the d_________ code at your company? How strict is it?, How important is it to get along with co-workers? Is it a good idea to socialize with them outside work?, Have you ever been f_________ from a job? When? Why?, Have you ever been u_________? How long for? What are the best and worst things about not working? Is unemployment a great problem where you live now?, Are you an ambitious person? What c_________ goals do you have?.

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