A Green city Curitiba is a medium-sized city in the ____ of Brazil, the ____ country in South America. Why is it unusual? Because many South American cities are very ____ but Curitiba is the opposite: it is one of the cleanest and ____ cities in the world. In most cities, cars cause a lot of pollution. But in Curitiba, only a quarter of the 1.7 million ____ use a car: the others use ____ transport. That is because the bus system is probably the best in the ____. It is called the BRT (Bus Rapid Transport) and it carries two million passengers a day. Tickets are ____ and journeys are fast, and nobody in the city lives further than 400 metres from a bus stop. There are lots of ____ in the city: in fact, there are 50 square metres of green space per person! B Artificial city Neft Dashlari is a ____-made city in the Caspian Sea. It is about 65 kilometres from the east coast of Azerbaijan, in Asia, and it has a ____ of about 2,000. The most ____ thing about the city is its location: it is in the sea but not on an island. The ground below the city is completely ____. Neft Dashlari is about 70 years old and it exists for one reason: ____. The city is in very bad condition. For example, it has 300 kilometres of roads but only 45 kilometres are ____ to use. The bridges are falling into the sea and some of the apartments are ____. But people still live and ____ there. It is probably one of the ____ cities in the world for its inhabitants, but ____ are much higher than in other places. C Recycling city Cairo, in the ____ of Egypt, is one of the biggest cities in Africa. It is the ____ and has a population of nearly eight million. Like any city, it creates tonnes of rubbish every day. But amazingly, the city does not employ anybody to collect ____. Instead, a group of people called the Zabbaleen ____ it. The ____ of Cairo pay them a small amount of money for doing this. The Zabbaleen take the rubbish back to their town on the edge of Cairo. It is called Manshiyat Naser and has a ____ of about 60,000. There, the women and children ____ the rubbish by hand. It seems a very slow system but in fact it works very well. They ____ nearly 90% of the rubbish, which is far better than recycling centres in most ____ countries. Manshiyat Naser certainly is not one of the ____ attractive places in Egypt. But thanks to a 2009 film about it, ‘Garbage Dreams’, it is quite ____ – and quite popular with tourists!

solutions elementary 5f unusual cities

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