braising - Preparing the ingredients over medium heat in a small amount of sauce or broth and simmering for a short period of time until completion., blanching - Par cooking (partially cooking) through quick immersion of raw ingredients in boiling water or broth sometimes followed by immersion in cold water., steam-stewing - Cooking with liquid (water or soup), covering in a tight-fitting lid until absorbed, gradual stewing - Adding ingredients to cold water along with seasonings and allowing the contents to slowly come to a prolonged simmering boil., roasting - Cooking by hot air through convection or broiling in an enclosed space, stir-frying - Cooking ingredients at hot oil and stirring quickly to completion., marinating - to marinade ingredients in salt, soy sauce or soy pastes., velveting - This technique involves marinating meat in corn starch and other ingredients before cooking., deep-frying - Full or partial immersion cooking in hot oil or fat, jellifying - To quickly cool a gelatine or agarose containing broth to make aspic or agar jelly,

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