1) A volcano that has recently erupted and may erupt again is called... a) active volcano b) extinct volcano c) dormant volcano d) inactive volcano 2) A volcano that will never erupt again is called... a) active volcano b) extinct volcano c) dormant volcano d) sleeping volcano 3) A volcano that hasn't erupted within the last 2000 years but could still erupt is called... a) inactive volcano b) active volcano c) extinct volcano d) dormant volcano 4) Once magma reaches the earth's surface it is called... a) rock b) basalt c) granite d) lava 5) What type of volcano erupts slowly and creates sloping sides? a) composite/stratovolcano b) cinder cone c) caldera d) shield 6) Which type of volcanos includes pyroclastic flows? a) composite and cinder cone b) shield and composite c) only cinder cone d) only composite 7) Mt. Rainier in Washington is an example of this type of volcano. a) caldera b) shield c) compsite d) cinder cone 8) What is another name of a composite volcano? a) stratovolcano b) cinder cone c) vent d) shield 9) What type of volcano is shown? a) shield b) stratovolcano c) cinder cone d) crater 10) What type of volcano is shown? a) shield b) stratovolcano c) crater d) cinder cone 11) An explosive eruption of lava, gas and ash that flow quickly down the side of a volcano a) magma chamber b) vent c) pyroclastic flow d) eruption 12) A special form of a crater formed by the collapse of a volcano on itself a) vent b) crater c) caldera d) magma chamber 13) What type of volcano is shown? a) cinder cone b) shield c) composite d) stratovolcano 14) Location from which material (like molten rock, magma and gases) erupts a) caldera b) vent c) crater d) pyroclastic flow 15) A roughly circular area at the top of a volcano a) vent b) caldera c) pyroclastic flow d) crater 16) Which type of volcano can alternate between explosive and non-explosive eruptions? a) composite/stratovolcano b) shield c) cinder cone d) caldera

Volcano Review


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