to kick a ball - to make a ball move using your foot., to hit a ball - to move a ball with a tennis racket in tennis, to pass a ball - to give the ball to another player in a game such as football or basketball., to throw a ball - to push a ball out of your hands towards someone else., to bounce a ball - to drop a ball onto the floor and catch it again when it comes up., a hockey stick - You use it to play hockey, a tennis racket - You use it to play tennis, a golf club - You use it to hit the ball when you play golf., an ice rink - You go skating there, a table tennis bat - You use it to hit the ball when you play table tennis, a swimming pool - You go swimming there., a squash court - You play squash there, an athletics track - You do athletics there, to take part - to do an activity, to win a game - When you finish the game with more points than the other players or teams., to blow a whistle - When you put it in your mouth and force air into it., to score a goal - When you throw or kick a ball into a net and get a point, to keep fit - When you do exercise so that your body stays strong and healthy, to set a new world record - When you establish it as the best time or score ever, an inspiration - someone who inspires you to want to do something, modest - Someone who does not talk too proudly about their own achievements., a passion - If you have it for something, you like it a lot., determined - you feel very strongly that you want to do it, and you are willing to work hard in order to do it.,

Focus 3 Unit 2 sport

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