1) He's my friend and I'm always going to ____________ him. a) get along b) hang out c) stand by 2) We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale _______________. a) put off b) fell through c) broke down 3) What time did you __________ __________ at the hotel?  a) check off b) check through c) check in 4) Did you find _______ who the murderer was? a) through b) in c) out 5) Who will __________ you ________ at the airport? a) pick/ on b) pick/off c) pick/ up 6) Oops! the car broke_________. I´ll call a mechanic. a) down b) up c) off 7) Please, turn the lights ____ when not in use. a) off b) up c) in 8) They are planning to ___________ very early a) set off b) set up c) set back 9) We need to get ________ early and check ________ before 12 pm at the lobby. Then, we´ll go back home. a) up/ out b) out/up c) up/in 10) My mobile just ran _________ of battery a) down b) up c) out 11) He’s never made an effort to ___________ with current events. He doesn't watch the news. a) put up b) keep up c) fall through 12) The meeting has been __________ for a week. a) stood by b) broken down c) put off 13) Stop the car! Just ___________ here, and I'll get out and walk the rest of the way. a) get out of b) pull over c) look into 14) When Fred was cleaning his closet, he ____________ some old love letters. a) came across b) put off c) looked into 15) You have to work long hours in that office and that _____________ a lot of people. Later they do not want to keep working for them. a) puts off b) runs away c) gets out

Phrasal verbs B2


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