HISTORYThe first ____ (people who live in the United Kingdom) were the Picts, who arrived about 10,000 years ago. In the eighth century B.C., the ____ arrived from Europe and pushed the ____ north into Scotland. In A.D. 43, the ____ invaded and ruled for nearly 400 years. They built roads, bathhouses, ____, and large villas. By the sixth century A.D., German peoples known as Angles, Jutes, and Saxons were moving into Britain. The ____ gave their name to England, and English people became known as Anglo-Saxons. From the 900s to the 1400s, England was ruled by Viking, Danish, and Norman invaders. In 1485 the Welsh noble Henry ____ claimed the English crown and became Henry VII, the first of five Tudor monarchs. Several important lines of kings and queens followed. By the 1800s, Britain was one of the most ____ nations in the world. Trade generated immense wealth, and the country built a ____ ____ empire. But the early 20th century was a time of setbacks for Britain. Drained by World War I and II, Britain could no longer afford its empire, and most of its ____ became independent.

History of the United Kingdom

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