Debugging - Finding and fixing problems in an algorithm or program., Command - An instruction for the computer. , Until - A command that tells you to do something only up to the point when something becomes true., Program - An algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine., Condition - Something a program checks to see if it is true before allowing an action., Loop - The action of doing something over and over again., Event - An action that causes something to happen., Programming - The art of creating a program., Bug - Part of a program that does not work correctly., While loops - A loop that continues to repeat while a condition is true., Conditionals - Statements that only run under certain conditions., Code - To write instructions for a computer., Repeat - To do something again., Variable - A label for a piece of information used in a program., Algorithm - A list of steps to finish a task., Sequencing - Putting commands in correct order so computers can read the commands.,

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