swindle sb out of sth - to rob sb of sth, spin - to turn around and around rapidly, dwindle - to gradually become less or smaller, saddle sb with sth - to task sb with sth difficult or boring, tangle - to trap sth in a confused mass, tumble - to fall, jumble - to put things in a confused mass, stumble - to trip over sth, burnish - to polish a metallic item by rubbing it, vanish - to apply a protective layer of a liquid onto wooden items, garnish - to decorate (food), tarnish - to cause sb's reputation to appear in a bad light, invader - sb or sth that enters a place by force, asailant - a person who attacks sb physically, aggressor - a person or country that attacks first without being provoked, assassin - a person who kills for political or financial reasons, elevate - to raise sth, refine - to improve sth by removing unwanted parts, advance - to develop or improve sth, upgrade - to improve the quality of a piece of machinery, software, etc., contestant - a competitor, runner - a track event athlete, counterpart - a person having the same position or rank as sb else in another place, nominee - sb officially suggested for a position, award, etc., sleep like a dog - to sleep very deeply, sleep tight - to wish sb to sleep well, sleep on it - to delay making a decision in order to think more deeply about it, sleep it off - to sleep until you feel better (after a hangover), consent to - to agree to sth, plead with sb for sth - to beg sb for sth,

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