____ states that boys & girls tend to choose different ____ wherever possible i.e. Boys choosing ____ whilst girls choose ____. These differences are also apparent in ____ education where a significant amount of males opt for ____ & ____ at A-Level where as many girls choose ____, ____ and Sociology. Sociologists believe a key influencing factor in subject choice is ____. ____ refers to the way in which parents channel the child's interests in activities or toys in conjunction with ____ as deemed appropriate. E.g. girls to play with ____ and to read, and boys to play sport outside and play with ____. ____ states that from the earliest years girls are talked to and ____ more, whilst boys are thrown around vigorously. Girls are seen as ____, boys are not. Parents have different ____ of their children, socialised, play different games, expected to do ____ round the house. This is supported by a study from ____ who found that when children were given ____ related tasks (design vehicles, write an advert for an estate agent) that boys designed power boats and battleships whereas ____ designed cruise ships. Boys designed sports cars and girls designed ____ cars. Boys focused on garage space in their adverts whereas girls on décor & ____ design. This supports the role of ____ socialisation.Another factor which contributes to gendered subject choice is the influence of ____. Kelly found that ____ teachers are more likely to be ____, leading to more ____ choosing science subjects. In addition, ____ often use images of boys more than girls. However, in ____ the DfES found that gendered subject image was not such a problem in ____ & therefore subject choice ____ greatly amongst pupils in these schools.

Gender and Subject Choice Starter

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