GDP per capita - The amount of money a country makes per year, divided by the population, Literacy rate - The % of people who can read and write, Access to clean water - The % of people who have clean water 1km from their home, Birth Rate - The number of births per 1000 people, Death rate - The number of deaths per 1000 people, Infant mortality rate - The number of babies who die per 1000 live births, Number of people per doctor - The number of people each doctor has to care for, % Unemployment rate - % of people who can work - but do not have a job, Life expectancy - The average age a person can expect to live to, GNI per capita - The amount of money a country makes per year including wealth from foreign investments, divided by the population, Human Development Index - Number that is calculated using life expectancy, literacy rate, education level and income per head.,

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