Large intestine - Contains the caecum and the colon. Absorbs water and pass the waste to the rectum for the egestion through the anus., Monogastric - Contains one stomach, do not possess a rumen and cannot digest cellulose., Abomasum - Known as the ‘true stomach’. It produces hydrochloric acid and enzymes that digest protein., Rumen - Contains microorganisms which have a symbiotic relationship with the ruminant animal. These microorganisms break down cellulose in plant cell walls., Amylase - Breaks down starch, Lipase - Breaks down fat, Ruminant - Cattle and sheep. They have 4 compartments to their stomach (rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum)., Incisors - Chisel like teeth used for cutting and biting., Molars - Flat teeth used for crushing food, Mechanical digestion - Is the physical breakdown of food into smaller pieces, Ingestion - First stage of digestion. Food is taken into the mouth where it is chewed and swallowed., Omnivore - Eat both plants and animals, Peristalsis - a rhythmic wave like motion of muscular contractions as food entering the oesophagus is moved along to the stomach, Omasum - Has a large surface areas for the absorption of water., Bile - Made in the liver, stored in the gall bladder. Emulsify fats and lipids in the duodenum. Neutralise food that comes from the acidic stomach., Small intestine - Duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Absorbs the nutrients through the thin intestinal wall.,

Animal Digestion Ag Science

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